Dental Implants: Reclaim a More Youthful Appearance

dental implants Savannah GAMissing teeth can age your smile’s appearance beyond your years, and the accompanying bone loss that occurs after tooth loss can exacerbate the older look. Fortunately, dental implants can restore a complete, youthful smile that is both aesthetically pleasing and structurally and functionally sound.

Dental implants act like artificial tooth roots. That is, the jawbone is able to form a strong bond with the implants’ titanium surface, leaving the dental implant as a fixture in the patient’s jaw. Not only do they support a prosthetic restoration, but dental implants also help to stabilize the jawbone, which prevents its atrophy that also contributes to a prematurely aged appearance.

For patients who are completely edentulous (toothless), All-on-4 can be an excellent, lifelike treatment solution. With this treatment approach, a periodontist will insert just four dental implants in the jaw to secure an entire prosthetic arch or denture.

These four dental implants are placed toward the front of the jaw, where the bone is thicker and its erosion proceeds much more gradually. Therefore, even patients who have worn conventional dentures for some time and experienced bone loss as a result can still be candidates for All-on-4.

With extensive knowledge and experience in treating problems that affect the gums and their underlying bone structures, a periodontist is an ideal specialist to place dental implants. This type of specialist can evaluate your bone quality to make sure that it is adequate for implant placement and improve your chances of long-term dental implant success. Additionally, if any active gum disease is present and needs to be treated prior to dental implant placement, this specialist can provide that intervention too.

Patients who have experienced tooth loss due to gum disease should continue to follow up with a periodontist for monitoring and prompt treatment to promote dental implant longevity, as well.

Has tooth loss made you look years older than your chronological age? Consider dental implants as a possible solution for restoring your smile and your youthful appearance. Schedule a consultation at the office of Dr. Duval to learn more about this treatment option.

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