Helping Your Smile With A Deep Cleaning

savannah deep cleaning

When you have sore, red gums, or possibly bleeding or recession, then you could have gum disease. When you see us in the gingivitis stage or the early stages of periodontal disease, our team can help protect your smile with a deep cleaning. Our team of expert periodontal health specialists in Savannah, GA, explains how a scaling and root planing procedure can help protect the smile from poor gum health!

The Link Between Plaque and Gum Disease

When you have a diet high in sugar and starch, and don’t take time to brush and floss properly, this can leave behind a sticky layer known as plaque. Over time, plaque buildup will harden into tartar. Brushing and flossing can help limit the severity of buildup, but cannot remove the layers from your teeth. Without a cleaning to do so, this can irritate and inflame the gums to cause gingivitis, and without treatment, gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease. To reverse gingivitis or manage gum disease to avoid tooth loss, you may need a deep cleaning.

Scaling and Root Planing

The scaling and root planing process is designed to remove harmful plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth, as well as the exposed roots and from beneath the gum line. The procedure uses ultrasonic scaling devices and manual picks, and can take one visit or several, depending on the severity of your buildup. We will numb your smile beforehand so you are comfortable, and once we remove the buildup, we will polish the teeth to brighten the smile and limit the ability for plaque and tartar to form on the teeth before your next visit.

Managing Periodontal Disease

Following your scaling and root planing, we may recommend a traditional cleaning every three to four months, so we can control buildup and keep your smile healthy. At home, you can help by brushing and flossing daily to remove stray food and drink particles, and control plaque and tartar buildup. Try to avoid tobacco products too, and cut back on the sugar in your diet. These actions not only protect your gums, but your teeth as well! If you have any questions about how we protect your gum health with a scaling and root planing, or if you want to schedule one now, then contact our team today. We want to help you start a new year with better gum health, and a visit now means you can use your remaining 2024 dental benefits before they expire!

Manage Your Periodontal Disease With Duval Perio!

Our team wants to help you avoid the long-term impacts of untreated periodontal disease. To find out more about addressing the issue in the earlier stages, call your Savannah, GA periodontal office at (912) 352-4867.


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