Treating Periodontal Disease And Saving Your Smile

Savannah gum disease

Our team offers treatment to manage periodontal disease, so you avoid painful symptoms or even tooth loss. We have advanced treatments to preserve your smile, from deep cleanings to laser dentistry. Our Savannah, GA periodontal practice provides options to help you enjoy your best smile, and avoid periodontal complications down the future.

The Causes and Dangers of Gum Disease

Gum disease occurs when the gums become inflamed. Then inflammation, also known as gingivitis, will grow in severity without treatment until pockets form at the gum line. When disease-causing bacteria enter these pockets, you develop periodontal disease, which cannot be cured but needs to be managed with routine care to avoid worsening symptoms and even adult tooth loss. With inflammation and the early stages of the disease, you may experience soreness in your gingival tissues, bleeding, redness, and recession. Don’t ignore these symptoms, please see our team for treatment right away.

Free Consultation

When you experience one or more of these symptoms, then consider scheduling an appointment with our team. We offer a free consultation, during which we examine your smile and conduct a diagnosis. If we find out you have gum disease and need treatment, we will discuss your options so we can manage the issue to protect the health, function, and beauty of your smile.

Possible Treatment Options

Treatment options vary, depending on the severity of the disease. For gingivitis and the early stages of the disease, our team could offer a deep cleaning, also known as a scaling and root planing. The procedure involves using an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to gently but thoroughly break up and remove tartar and plaque deposits on the teeth and along the gum line, and beneath the tissues too. We also smooth the roots, removing the buildup that has formed there as well. We could also recommend medications and prescription mouthwashes too, to better manage the disease moving forward.

For more severe cases, our team could discuss laser dentistry to trim away diseased tissues and help protect the smile as a whole. Periodontal surgery could also be recommended in severe cases. Following these treatments, we can discuss preventive care at home and in our office to keep the disease properly managed and to protect the health, beauty, and stability of your smile. If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat concerns like periodontal disease, or if you would like to schedule a free consultation with our team, then contact our office today.

Talk To Your Savannah, GA Periodontist About Treatment

Our team wants to help you enjoy good oral health and a full smile with our treatment options. If you would like to find out more, call our Savannah, GA periodontal office at (912) 352-4867.


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