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What Causes Periodontal Disease?

savannah periodontal disease

Despite impacting millions of smiles, many people are unaware of the causes of gum disease and when they should seek treatment. We want to help you know when to seek treatment, so we can help you maintain a full and beautiful smile. With our team of expert periodontal health specialists in Savannah, GA, we’re going to talk about how to recognize the warning signs of trouble.

The Common Factors Behind Periodontal Disease

When the gums become inflamed, also referred to as gingivitis, this means lack of treatment allows the tissues to pull away from the teeth and form pockets. Once disease-causing bacteria enter these pockets, this causes periodontal disease. Your initial inflammation could be due to plaque buildup, which irritates and inflames the gums. The buildup could be brought on by poor brushing and flossing habits, along with a diet high in sugar. Other factors include a family history of periodontal problems, tobacco use, inflammatory illnesses, and the use of certain medications.

The Warning Signs of Trouble

Now that you know some of the common risk factors, let’s talk about the symptoms you should recognize. When you have gingivitis or the early stages of periodontal disease, you could encounter sore, red, and bleeding gums. As the disease worsens in severity. There could be swelling or even recession, which makes teeth appear long and uneven. Don’t ignore these possible warning signs of trouble, instead talk to our team. We will conduct a diagnosis with advanced imaging technology, so we can assess the severity of the disease and also identify any damage to connective tissue or underlying bone structure.

How We Treat Gum Disease

Treatment will vary, depending on the severity of the disease. For example, for some we may offer a deep cleaning, known as a scaling and root planing, to remove harmful buildup from the teeth and the roots, so the disease is more manageable with traditional cleanings every three to four months. We could also discuss treatment that employed dental lasers to trim away the diseased portions of your gums, so healthy tissues can attach to the teeth and make the issue more manageable. Our team then offers preventive care to manage the issue so your gums stay strong and healthy, and you avoid discomfort and the risk of tooth loss.

If you have any questions about the causes and symptoms of the disease, or if you need to seek treatment to manage it and safeguard the stability of your smile, then contact our team.

Keep Your Smile Strong With Duval Perio!

Come see us when you notice the warning signs we discussed in today’s blog. To find out more about keeping your smile strong and healthy, call your Savannah, GA periodontal office at (912) 352-4867.