At our Savannah, GA dental office, we are proud to offer specific forms of remedies for your specific gum needs. For both surgical and non-surgical methods of treatment of your gum disease, we can help you to slow and even stop the progression of your condition. Reach out to a member of our team, and discover some of the ways that we can help you to feel more confident in your smile, for both your medical needs and your appearance!
The Health Of Your Gums Is Important To The Lasting Strength Of Your Mouth
Your periodontal tissue is more than just background support for your oral health, it is a vital part of your defense against bacterial infection. Normally, this material provides an antibacterial barrier between the outside world and the vulnerable mechanisms below the gumline. Infection of this tissue can cause it to pull back, or recede, from its natural location on the surface of your tooth.
When your gum tissue recedes, it can leave a pocket between it and the tooth, and bacteria find this spot to be a breeding ground. Your toothbrush has a harder time removing the buildup of plaque and tartar below the gumline, and periodontal disease is unlikely to resolve itself on its own.
Could Periodontal Plastic Surgery Help You To Feel Better About Your Smile?
There are a few different forms of periodontal plastic surgery that could be the solution for your issue, for both cosmetic and medical conditions. If your gums have begun to recede, a grafting procedure is a helpful method of repair that aims to renew your gumline to its natural location. This process helps you to care for your smile, as exposed roots can lead to an internal infection, or even loss, of your tooth.
Others struggle with an overgrowth of this material, and gum recontouring can help you to extend the visible portion of your teeth. If you are looking for a cosmetic enhancement of your smile, this is often a positive way to see improvement in little time.
Improving The Health Of Your Gums In Savannah, GA
If you are looking to bolster your dental defenses, reach out to a trusted periodontist in Savannah, GA about your options. Dr. Benjamin T. Duval, DDS is available to help you regain control of your gumline, so give us a call at (912)352-4867!