Tues - Thurs: 7:00a - 3:00p

Treat Your Gums

treat your gums savannah gaWhen you think of your smile, the first thing that comes to mind is probably your teeth. That’s understandable, as you use them every day for chewing and speaking, and they are undoubtedly an important part of your dental wellness. But people sometimes overlook the value of having strong and vibrant gums, which support the teeth. Your periodontal tissue does a lot of work for your smile, so taking the time to treat your gums can be a real help when looking to strengthen your oral health.

With our team of expert periodontal health specialists in Savannah, GA, you can take steps to improve your gum health, helping you to avoid the risk to your smile that can come with periodontal disease. This condition is often caused by lapses in oral hygiene, and when it happens, your gums can start to pull back from their natural location on your teeth. This can expose the root, putting you in danger of an internal tooth infection or even the loss of the tooth itself. To schedule a time to talk about lifting your gum health with cleaning, grafting, and more, give us a call today!

Bacterial Buildup Along Your Gumline Can Put Your Smile At Risk

Your everyday brushing and flossing make a real difference in your ability to keep your smile safe as you age. One of the primary reasons for your routine oral health maintenance is to remove the buildup of bacterial accumulation known as plaque. This contributes to both tooth decay and periodontal disease, so it is important to floss every day and brush twice daily, and always for the correct amount of time.

If plaque remains on the surface of the teeth or along the gumline, it calcifies into a harder material called tartar. At this point, you need the help of a trained dental professional to safely remove your tartar buildup.

Taking Your First Steps Toward A Safer Smile With A Thorough Cleaning

Plaque and tartar accumulation cause infection, inflammation, and ultimately, gum recession. All of these pose significant dangers for your smile, so if you have started to notice a change in your gumline, take the time to talk to your dentist about your concerns. They may recommend you to a quality periodontist for further assistance. Our team can help with scaling and root planing, which is a dedicated cleaning both at and below the gumline, as well as with gum grafting, which restores a gumline after recession.

Treat Your Smile With Duval Perio!

When you start to see a change in your smile, talk to a trusted dental professional about your next steps. To find out more about how a dedicated periodontal appointment can help you treat your gums after tartar buildup, call your Savannah, GA periodontal office at (912) 352-4867.