According to the Centers for Disease Control, over half of adults ages 30 and older suffer from some stage of periodontal disease. Without treatment, this could lead to discomfort and even cause tooth loss. But we can help! With our team of expert periodontal health specialists in Savannah, GA, we’re looking at common causes and warning signs, and discussing potential treatments.
The Causes and Warning Signs
Periodontal disease occurs when your gums become inflamed. Also known as gingivitis, this happens when factors like poor brushing and flossing and a diet high in sugar and starch combined to create plaque and tartar buildup, irritating and inflaming the gums as a result. This could also occur due to tobacco use and infrequent dental cleanings to remove the buildup from your smile. With gingivitis and the early stages of gum disease, you could encounter sore, red, and bleeding gums. As the issue increases in severity, you could experience swollen tissues and even recession, which makes teeth appear longer than usual and could also lead to tooth decay and infection. Don’t ignore these warning signs, see us for treatment to save your smile!
Deep Cleaning
For gingivitis and the early stages of the disease, we could help with a deep cleaning. Also known as a scaling and root planing, this involves our team gently removing all plaque and tartar from the teeth and the exposed roots, and beneath the gum line as well. The process is more involved than a traditional dental cleaning, so we will administer a numbing agent to keep you comfortable. The procedure could take one visit or as many as four, depending on the severity of your inflammation and buildup. We complete the process by polishing your teeth to limit how much plaque and tartar can accumulate before your next cleaning visit.
Medications and Laser Treatment
Our team could also discuss special medications to help manage the issue by destroying harmful oral bacteria. In addition, if you have a more severe state of the disease, we could use dental lasers to gently trim away the diseased portions of the gums. We can do this gently and with precision, and the procedure rarely requires anesthesia. Since we use lasers instead of scalpels and sutures, the area heals faster and you enjoy a reduced risk of bleeding, infection, and swelling, returning to your normal routine much after.
If you have any questions about treating gum disease, then contact our team today to learn more.
Improve Your Gum Health With Duval Perio!
We would like to help you recognize and receive care for your periodontal concerns. To find out more about managing your periodontal health, call your Savannah, GA periodontal office at (912) 352-4867.