Treatments Available For Your Gum Problems

If you have problems with your gums, you might require gum treatment to correct them. Your periodontist can provide a variety of options to treat your gums, including laser gum therapy, deep cleaning techniques, or gum surgery. The Need for Periodontic Therapy Gum disease is a common problem among adults. In fact, it is the… Continue reading Treatments Available For Your Gum Problems

What can I expect to happen to my gums as I age?

Age affects all parts of our bodies, even our teeth and gums. You and your dentist can work together to minimize problems that develop with age. Regular oral hygiene and regular dental visits will help keep your gums and teeth healthy as you grow older. Changes to Oral Health Due to Aging Even though tooth… Continue reading What can I expect to happen to my gums as I age?

The link between gum disease and health risks

Gum disease affects more than just your oral health. It’s also been connected to an increased risk of heart disease. In addition, gum problems can affect your ability to maintain a healthy diet. Taking care of your gums can help prevent these issues and enable you to keep yourself in the best of health. Health… Continue reading The link between gum disease and health risks

Periodontal Surgery: What should I expect?

If you’ve developed problems with your gums, you might require the services of a periodontist. Depending upon what kind of treatment you need, you might need gum grafts or another type of gum surgery. If you know what to expect from surgery, you’re likely to have a better experience and a faster recovery time. Why… Continue reading Periodontal Surgery: What should I expect?

The Onset and Progression of Gum Disease

You have probably heard about gum (periodontal) disease but you might be surprised to learn how dangerous this condition can be to your oral health and overall well-being. When gum disease progresses, it has far-reaching effects on your health. In fact, periodontal disease is the number one cause of adult tooth loss. Moreover, this infection… Continue reading The Onset and Progression of Gum Disease

Gum Disease: What Can I Do To Reduce My Risk?

Many people mistakenly believe that gum (periodontal) disease is just a minor problem. This notion could not be further from the truth. If left untreated, gum disease can destroy your health, and is even the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. Moreover, periodontal disease affects the entire oral health system—including the density of bone.… Continue reading Gum Disease: What Can I Do To Reduce My Risk?

Periodontal Disease – The Facts

Periodontal, or gum disease is a serious condition. Your gums are the gateway to the rest of the body, and it’s important to keep them healthy. An experienced periodontist can help you achieve this goal. There are several degrees of periodontal disease, which develops when plaque builds up and the bacteria it contains leads to… Continue reading Periodontal Disease – The Facts

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